Satisfaction Brought it Back

17 Jan 2019

Ever since I was little I always had a curiousity for computers. The bulk of my upbringing was during the rise of modern day computers, and as a result computers were a part of my everyday life. I always questioned and had a fascination of how computers worked and what the internet is. Growing up, my fascination for how computers worked where brought about by my brother, who taught me the in and outs of how a computer is made and ran. Other family members would often give my brother their broken computers and electronics for him to fix, and I would always watch him debug it and fix it.

Due to this everlasting curiosity for computers, when I was finally able to afford my own computer at the end of middle school, I decided to build my own desktop from scratch. The struggles of fitting every piece together and debugging to see what went wrong when the computer didn’t start up was frustrating. I had to search various forums on the internet to see what was wrong and at time I even thought of giving up and asking my brother to finish building it for me. But once I found the problem and the computer successfully turned on, the satisfaction of the journey I went through immediately brought back my curiousity.

In our age of modern technology, hardware and software go hand to hand. My curiousity of computers over the years progressed from the hardware level to the software level. I am now starting to take a Software Engineering class, and many more programming related courses to come. I hope to learn a lot through the course, but I know it will be just the beginning of my journey. The satisfcation of solving a problem after a long journey of struggle and failure is exactly what makes handling hardware and software so satisfying.