Jumping Hurdles

18 Jan 2019

So far into this course Javascript has been quite interesting in the fact that it is a language that can be used on both the front-end and the back-end of the web development process. I had done some minor Javascript coding prior to this course, but I did not create any full-on program from scratch before. So with my limited knowledge of Javascript (a scripting language), compared to the other programming languages I know such as C and C++, it is quite useful and convenient that JS is dynamically typed whereas C and C++ is static typed. This means that the type of the variable does not have to be declared alongside the variable that is being declared. When it comes to web development and software engineering, I think that Javascript is a really good programming/scripting language because of both its server-side and front-end capabilities.

The concept of athletic software engineering is quite foreign to me, especially since this is the first time that I encountered something like this. Since the vowel WOD was our first real WOD aside from the practice WODS, I feel I am not in the position to see if it was useful yet. However, from my first impression of it, I feel that the WODs will end up being useful, but at the moment since I am not used to this style of learning, the WODs are quite stressful and anxiety inducing. However, I feel that since we are constantly put under timed pressure to critically think and solve problems, it will allow us to get accustomed to the challenges that we will encounter in the real world.